Ernie Martin, Pride, 2012, digital print, courtesy of the artist
7847 VOA Park Dr.
West Chester, Ohio 45069
September 9– November 14
Exhibition Reception
Sunday September 9, 2 pm–5 pm
Presentations by members of the West Chester Photo Club and FOTOFOCUS representatives
Voice of America Learning Center auditorium
Sunday September 9, 3 pm
LOOKING OUT: LOOKING IN features photographs from 31 members of the West Chester Photo Club. The exhibition centers on how members see the world, and how they see their communities.
The Club, founded ten years ago, has a mission of “encouraging growth of artistic and technical photographic capability by pursuing our art through friendship, collaboration, and community involvement.”
At present the Club has 50 members and meets on the 4th Tuesday of the month at the West Chester Church of the Nazarene. Their gatherings include OPUS: Our Photos Under Scrutiny, a photo activity challenge that is presented and reviewed, sometimes with guest presenters and reviewers. Every Thursday the Club sponsors a “Scoot N Shoot” where members gather, head to a predetermined location, and then shoot for a couple of hours as a group.
The Voice of America Learning Center (VOALC), established in 2009, strives to extend its public service and educational programming and to develop new programs reaching underserved sectors of the population in the area. From its inception, the VOALC, with the support of its active community-based volunteer board, has been a community resource for arts programs, including rotating art exhibitions, a film series on cinema comedy classics, and a Rookwood Pottery exhibition, among many others. The VOALC’s art presence is a complement to the university-wide “Year of the Arts” designation for 2011-2012. The “Year of the Arts” celebrates the long history, present dynamism, and exciting future of the arts at Miami through a diverse array of special presentations and signature events.