Andy Warhol, Cheryl Tiegs, 1984, Polaroid®, Courtesy Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University. © 2012 The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York
44 East 6th St.
Cincinnati OH, 45202
Image Machine: Andy Warhol and Photography
September 22–January 20, 2013
Opening Party
Friday September 21, 7 pm–10 pm
$10 admission, free to CAC members
The Contemporary Arts Center features a groundbreaking exhibition co-organized by the Contemporary Arts Center and the Rose Art Museum devoted to Andy Warhol’s use of photography as source material. Andy Warhol has been anointed “The Prince of Pop Art” for introducing iconic images of commercial products and glamour stars, such as Campbell’s Soup Cans and Marilyn Monroe into the lexicon of art. His transformation of art by appropriating the photographic image from mass media marked a significant shift in our cultural history. Warhol’s Pop Art images have largely defined the perception of the artist; however, until the Warhol Photographic Legacy Program, the vast extent of Warhol’s photographic output was relatively unknown and little studied. This exhibition examines the central role of photography in Warhol’s art—its relationship to his portrait painting, and documentation of the artist’s social life. Also included is a recreation of the Contemporary Arts Center’s famous 1966 Warhol wallpaper installation, Holy Cow! Silver Clouds!! Holy Cow!. A new catalogue accompanies the exhibition.
The Contemporary Arts Center provides the opportunity for all people to discover the dynamic relationship between art and life by exhibiting, but not collecting, the work of progressive artists.